Introduction to WinGrid

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 861398.
The WinGrid consortium aims to train and launch the next generation of researchers on power system integration issues associated with the large-scale deployment of wind generation, focusing particularly on the modelling and control aspects of wind turbine and grid interface design, system stability and robust implementation.
The consortium comprises a wide-ranging expert group of 10 academics from 8 beneficiary organisations including 7 leading universities and one large company across 6 countries. It also includes 8 internationally renowned industrial partners (ABB, Vestas, EirGrid, SGCC, FTI, Rotem, Dansk Energi, and ESC) ranging from wind turbine developers, transmission system operators, power system analysts and renewable energy consultants from 6 countries.
Summary of research objectives
- Develop a holistic system stability analysis tool which quantifies non-linear dynamic interactions between wind turbines within a wind farm, mapping the contribution of individual wind turbines to oscillations.
- Develop robust/adaptive control strategies, based around multiple-input multiple-output control design optimization, for harmonised wind farm interactions.
- Propose and evaluate power system operational strategies, for system-wide co-ordination of the aggregated wind response, recognising grid code and ancillary service enforcement / incentive mechanisms.
- Assess interaction and coordination with converter protection systems for frequency support services, including power oscillation damping, as well as operation under network fault conditions.
- Develop analysis tools for grids (formed by wind turbines in a wind farm) comprising synchronverters with virtual friction and virtual damper windings, leading to design considerations for these, especially to reduce subsynchronous resonance.
- Investigate control methods for the usage of local energy storage (accumulator reservoir, battery, supercapacitor) to expand wind turbine dynamic capability.

Work Packages
Subject: Wind farm dynamic interactions
Leader: Prof. Frede Blaabjerg
Subject: Wind farm Grid Interactions
Leader: Prof. Bikash Pal
Subject: Enhanced frequency support and balancing services from wind farms and energy storage
Leader: Dr. Anca Daniela Hansen
Subject: Grid integration and control of a hydrostatic wind turbine based farm.
Leader: Prof. Xiaowei Zhao
Subject: Novel control techniques for inverters.
Leader: Prof. Marco Liserre
Subject: Management
Leader: Prof. Xiaowei Zhao
Subject: Training and Recruitment
Leader: Prof. Marco Liserre
Subject: Dissemination, outreach, exploitation
Leader: Prof. Bikash Pal
ESR Projects
Subject: A controller-design-oriented analytical model for wind turbines under large and small disturbances , to be recruited by Aalborg University.
Supervisor: Prof. Frede Blaabjerg
Subject: Dynamic model reduction of offshore wind power plants , to be recruited by DNV.
Supervisor: Dr. Ganesh Sauba
PhD Supervisor: Prof. Xiongfei Wang (Aalborg University)
Subject: Robust/adaptive control of wind farm systems, to be recruited by Imperial College London.
Supervisor: Prof. Bikash Pal
Subject: Model reduction algorithm that will provide an efficient model analysing wind farm – grid interactions , to be recruited by Imperial College London.
Supervisor: Prof. Bikash Pal
Subject: WPP support for weather dependent active distribution networks, to be recruited by Technical University of Denmark.
Supervisor:Dr. Anca Daniela Hansen
Subject: Damping of power system inter-area oscillations by large offshore wind farms connected through VSC-HVDC systems, to be recruited by University of Warwick.
Supervisor: Prof. Xiaowei Zhao
Subject: Coordinated control and protection of wind turbine converters and grid interface, to be recruited by Aalborg University.
Supervisor: Prof. Xiongfei Wang
Subject: Coordination of wind-hybrid power plants, with energy storage, for enhanced balancing market participation in support of power systems with high share of renewables, to be recruited by Technical University of Denmark.
Supervisor:Dr. Anca Daniela Hansen
Subject: Control strategy for HVDC connected Wind Power Plants for providing fast inertial response, to be recruited by Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Liserre
Subject: Assessment of power system inertial support on wind turbine mechanical performance, to be recruited by University of Warwick.
Supervisor: Prof. Xiaowei Zhao
Subject: Scheduling and coordination of the aggregated WPP inertial (fast frequency) response resource within a high variable renewables power system, to be recruited by University College Dublin.
Supervisor: Dr Damian Flynn
Subject: Modelling & control of hydrostatic transmission based wind farms, to be recruited by University of Warwick.
Supervisor: Prof. Xiaowei Zhao
Subject: Network grid assessment of hydrostatic transmission based wind farms, to be recruited by University College Dublin.
Supervisor: Dr Damian Flynn
Subject: Stability analysis of grid and its enhancement by virtual friction and damper windings, to be recruited by Tel Aviv University.
Supervisor: Prof. George Weiss
Subject: Damping strategy for sub-synchronous resonances, to be recruited by Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Supervisor: Prof. Marco Liserre