Dr. Damian Flynn
Damian Flynn obtained a PhD in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from The Queen’s University of Belfast in 1994. He was a senior lecturer at the same university until 2009, when he then joined University College Dublin, where he is currently an Associate Professor in Power System Operation and Control. His research interests involve grid integration of renewables, power system operation and stability analysis, and power generation control. He is the associate editor of 5 prestigious international journals, the co-author of a book on wind power integration, editor of a book on power plant modelling and control, and an author of over 60 journal papers. He is an active member of various IEA, IFAC, CIGRE, etc. working groups and technical committees, he has strong engagement with industry through joint research projects and consultancy projects, and he has managed various national and European research grants. He has supervised 24 PhD students to successful completion, with 10 students currently being supervised.